DIN Rail PostX IP Reporting Module
Installation Manual | June 2017
The grant of a telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom has accepted that the
item complies with the minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the
product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any item
will work correctly in all respects with another item of telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor
does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom's network services.
This equipment can be set up to carry out test calls at pre-determined times. Such test calls will interrupt any
other calls that may be set up on the line at the same time. The timing set for such test calls should be
discussed with the installer.
The timing set for test calls from this equipment may be subject to ‘drift’. If this proves to be inconvenient and
your calls are interrupted, then the problem of timing should be discussed with the equipment installer. The
matter should NOT be reported as a fault to Telecom Faults Service.
In the event of any problem with this device, it is to be disconnected, and a CPE item connected to one of its
terminal ports may be connected directly in its place. The user should then arrange for the product to be
repaired. Should the matter be reported to Telecom as a wiring fault, and the fault is proven to be due to this
product, a call-out charge will be incurred.