– Family manual
HW group
90 / 104
Testing Modbus/TCP with “Modbus Poll 3.20”
The supplied CD contains the Modbus Poll utility, which
can serve as a simple client for reading Modbus/TCP
– for 30 days after it is run for the first time.
In the demo mode, you can see the sensor readings
and dry contact states for the first 4 minutes.
Configuration files that define the addresses of sensors
and digital inputs for the online Poseidon demo,
” and
”, are available on the CD or
as an archive on the Internet.
Open these two files, select a TCP/IP connection and the address of our online demo, and establish
the connection.
Connecting over Modbus/TCP to our online demo
A permanently running Poseidon2 unit with a public IP address is installed in the HWg office. The
current address, as well as a link to that address, is available at our website in the “Site Map” section.
All values are multiplied by 10 because decimal values are not supported.