– Family manual
HW group
51 / 104
Server address
– full URL address of a remote server
IP Port
– listener port of the portal
– Username for assigning the device to a user. Will be received from the portal
– Password for assigning the device to a user. Will be received from the portal
Current Push Timer
– Shows the remaining time to the next Push sending.
Current Push Timer
– Shows the remaining time to the data saving to the flash memory.
Current AutoPush Block Timer
– Shows the time remaining to the next AutoPush. This
period is set from the side of the portal.
Manual Push
- Button for immediate manual sending of the data to the portal.
AutoPush configuration
Poseidon2 connects to the portal and notifies a
value change whenever a change in the sensor
reading exceeds the configured AutoPush value.
This configuration only applies to the communication
between Poseidon2 and the online portal. Local
alarm values are configured in the portal.
4) Correct
Gateway IP
DNS server
in network settings
6) Correct
Server Address
of the
For portal connection, check: