Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 5: Commissioning
If a USB stick is plugged into the navigation controller, the data of the trip are also recorded
in the simulation.
5.7 Simulation without vehicle and with vehicle controller
If the communication between the navigation controller and vehicle controller is to be test-
ed, this can also be done with the simulation. In this case, the segment lists, the driving
mode and the segment releases are sent by the vehicle control system via the correspond-
ing interface.
The 'Segment' table in the parameter test, including all buttons be-
low it, must not be used in this case.
5.8 Commissioning a vehicle
Always carry out the commissioning of a new vehicle carefully and with caution.
Only commission vehicles on which all of the safety devices have been tested and shown
to function. There must always be the possibility to stop the vehicle safely in the event of
failure of the navigation controller.
For commissioning of the vehicle, as described above, all parameters should be set initially.
Parameters that are not known exactly should be estimated as well as possible. Most of
these parameters (for example 'Increments / Metres) are optimised in the course of com-
5.8.1 Testing and optimizing the parameters
A newly parameterised vehicle should never be run straight away in the automatic mode.
This can mean that the vehicle suddenly behaves unexpectedly due to incorrect parame-
ters. This is why the test and optimisation of the parameters are initially carried out with the
manual control system of the vehicle. If this possibility does not exist, the vehicle must be
pushed or set in motion in some other manner.
The parameter 'Configuration –> Main –> Simulation' must be disabled.
The pa-
rameter 'Configuration –> Speed Controller –> Scaling Speed' should be set to a tenth of
the theoretically calculated value. The parameter 'Configuration –> Speed Controller –>
Vmax. forward' should be less than 0.5. The parameter 'Configuration –> Speed Controller
–> Vmax. reverse' should be greater than -0.5.
The starting point is always the plausibility of the steering angle.
Most important here is the setting of the zero angle. Where possible, this angle
should be set at the sensor or mechanically. If this does not work, the parameter