Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 5: Commissioning
The threshold value as of which the gyroscope reports that averaging is OK should be
set in such a way that it is also reached under adverse conditions (wind, motor run-
ning, cold, etc.). The best setting can be determined by trial and error.
Averaging on switching on should be disabled.
5.4.10 Configuration –> GPS
In this example, the GPS is not parameterised, as no GPS is installed here. All parameters
can therefore be set at zero.
5.5 Creating the segments
Without segments, the navigation controller can only be used to a very limited degree. With-
out segments, the navigation controller in the remote control mode can convert the speci-
fications of the vehicle control system into the different driving modes (1: Symmetric steer-
ing forward, 2: Symmetric steering sideward, 3: Dog tracking forward 4: Dog tracking
sideward, 5: Spot turn). Or the vehicle is controlled via the website 'Parameter Test'.
Normally, however, the vehicle is controlled by the navigation controller in the automatic
mode. To do so, it needs segments. Test segments are available so as not to commission a
new vehicle at the customer right away. These should be simply structured, bur contain at
least one longer straight section, a curve and a backwards segment. A sample segment file,
to which this description also refers, is available in the download area:
on the site
This segment file contains segments for a small vehicle. However, these can be enlarged for
example using the parameter 'Configuration –> Main > Resolution Segments or in Excel
(multiply X and Y co-ordinates by a factor). This segment file contains segments for normal
vehicles (numbers 0 - 13, 16 and 17), segments for vehicles that are capable of performing
a spot turn (numbers 14, 15, 18, 19) and segments for omnidirectional vehicles (numbers
22-27). The best way to get an overview of the segment file is to use the track editor, which
can be reached through the following link in the internet:
To do so, simply drag and drop the segment file into the track editor. Creating your own files
is explained in the description of the CAD program. The simplest segment files (straight sec-
tions with spot turn or sidewards travel) can also be created using Microsoft® Excel® or the
track editor.
Transferring the segment file
To load the segment file in the navigation controller, the name must start with 'segmente',
for example
. On transfer, the name is tested by the navigation controller;
different names are ignored. Before the segment file can be transferred, the password
must be entered. For the transfer, click on the 'Segment File' button and select the