Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 1: Introduction
Indicates additional information in the internet, e.g. on our homepage
. Those links are clickable in the PDF version of this documentation.
Program texts and variables are indicated through the use of
a fixed width
Whenever the pressing of letter keys is required for program entries, the required
eys are indicated as such (for any programs of Götting KG small and capital
letters are equally valid).
1.2 Tasks of the Navigation Controller
The navigation controller has the following tasks:
Determination of the current position via transponders, GPS or external input, see
section 2.3 on page 10
Reconstruction of the route to be driven (by means of segment files), see section 2.5
on page 19
Track Guidance (controlling the vehicle on a track), see section 2.6 on page 29
As the navigation controller is a very complex technical product the following pages will first
cover the various aspects of the vehicle's track guidance that have to be considered before
we explain the subject areas of commissioning and configuration. The following points will
be explained later in this manual:
Basic information on positioning, track creation and track guidance
Hardware description, including displays and interfaces
Software description, including all menus of the web configuration
Protocol description, structure of the CAN- telegrams, Feldbus (external implementa-
tion on profinet, profibus, etc.)
Listing of data, which can be logged on an USB stick for analysis purposes
Trouble shooting
1.3 Intended Use
The navigation controller is not a safe device! It may only be operated in connection with a
safety system!
Due to its design the navigation controller is designated for a wide scope of applications. It
can only be applied for the track guidance of vehicles if the manufacturer or the plant oper-
ator ensure that sensors for position detection are used that are suitable for the require-
ments of that specific place and thus work fully (GPS e.g. is only suitable for outdoor envi-