Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 2: Basic Principles of Track Guidance
The double antenna set-up has the advantage that the vehicle orientation can be directly
measured using the second antenna.
To do so the transponders have to be laid in such a
manner that both antennas are simultaneously located above a transponder each and that
antenna 1 or 3 will trigger a posi pulse.
Then the calculation is independent from the odom-
etry. Furthermore the accuracy, especially of the vehicle orientation, is much more precise
in comparison with the evaluation of a single antenna. The antennas should be mounted as
far apart as possible. This means that small inaccuracies during positioning will only have a
slight impact on the angle error. For each transponder crossing only one calculation is per-
formed (posipulse of antenna 1,3). The Triple Antenna Evaluation
Figure 8
Properties of a triple antenna set-up
In contrast to the single and double antenna set-up in this application all degrees of freedom
of the vehicle are measured directly. Calculations can be executed as long as all antennas
are positioned above transponders at the same time. This set-up also allows the determina-
tion of the vehicle's position and orientation when driving diagonally. Antenna 1 and 3 de-
termine the orientation and Y position, antenna 2 determines the vehicle's X position (vehi-
cle coordinate system). If only antenna 1 and 3 are located above transponders, the position
will be calculated when antenna 1 or 3 generate a posi pulse (like when using a double an-
tenna set-up). Initialising the Transponder Sensor Fusion (Placing Vehicle on the Track)
There are several options for the initialisation of the transponder sensor fusion:
Single antenna set-up:
The vehicle reads a special start transponder. The start transponder is a normal
transponder which can only be read with a certain orientation due to construc-
tional measures. This may be e.g. at a transfer station. The start transponder is
marked accordingly in the transponder list and the start heading is recorded in
1/100° (s. on page 16).
A start transponder is only evaluated as
such directly after the system has been switched on,
afterwards it is con-
sidered a normal transponder.
The vehicle crosses several transponders. After the first transponder a position
cannot yet be calculated. After the second transponder the position and head-
ing can be calculated. After the third transponder the position is confirmed and
the accuracy is set to a good value provided the relative position of the third
Transponder corresponds with the positions of the previous ones.
Vehicle X
Vehicle Y
Antenna 1
Antenna 2
Antenna 3