Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 8: USB Data Logging: Scope of the Data
Trans. Y 1
Transponder antenna 1: Y position from the transponder table
State 2
Transponder antenna 2: Status
Code 2
Transponder antenna 2: Transponder code
Deviation 2
Transponder antenna 2: Position of the transponder in direction of measure-
Voltage 2
Transponder antenna 2: Sum voltage
Trans. X 2
Transponder antenna 2: X position from the transponder table
Trans. Y 2
Transponder antenna 2: Y position from the transponder table
State 3
Transponder antenna 3: Status
Code 3
Transponder antenna 3: Transponder code
Deviation 3
Transponder antenna 3: Position of the transponder in direction of measure-
Voltage 3
Transponder antenna 3: Sum voltage
Trans. X 3
Transponder antenna 3: X position from the transponder table
Trans. Y 3
Transponder antenna 3: Y position from the transponder table
Ant1 Dist. Odo
Transponder antenna 1: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated by the odometry
Ant1 Dist. Tab
Transponder antenna 1: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated from the transponder table
Ant1 Stat. Calc.
Transponder antenna 1: Status of the transponder calculation
Ant2 Dist. Odo
Transponder antenna 2: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated by the odometry
Ant2 Dist. Tab
Transponder antenna 2: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated from the transponder table
Ant2 Stat. Calc.
Transponder antenna 2: Status of the transponder calculation
Ant3 Dist. Odo
Transponder antenna 3: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated by the odometry
Ant3 Dist. Tab
Transponder antenna 3: Distance between second to last and last transponder
calculated from the transponder table
Ant3 Stat. Calc.
Transponder antenna 3: Status of the transponder calculation
Angle Local
Angle between second to last and last transponder calculated by the odometry
Angle Global
Angle between second to last and last transponder calculated from the tran-
sponder table
lgtd. corr.
3 antenna system: Longitudinal correction by the middle antenna
lgtd. corr glob. X
X component of the longitudinal correction in the global coordinate system
lgtd. corr glob. Y
Y component of the longitudinal correction in the global coordinate system
Calc. Counter
Counter of the number of position calculations with transponders
Tr Vehicle Head.
Vehicle heading of the position calculated with transponders
Tr Vehicle Pos X
X position of the position calculated with transponders
Tr Vehicle Pos Y
Y position of the position calculated with transponders
No. Cycles
Number of cycles for which the referencing of the transponders flows into the
No. used Cycles
Number of cycles that have already flown in
total. Head. corr
Total correction of vehicle heading
total. X. corr.
Total correction of X Position
total. Y. corr.
Total correction of Y Position
Cycle inc. Head
Single correction cycle of vehicle heading
Cycle inc. X
Single correction cycle of X position
Table 50
List of the parameters logged on a USB memory stick (part 8 of 10)