Documentation HG G-73650ZD | English, Revision 05 | Date: 09.03.2017 |
Chapter 8: USB Data Logging: Scope of the Data
State of the position of the sensor fusion GPS (0: not ready / 1: ready)
H State
State of the direction of the sensor fusion GPS (0: not ready / 1: ready)
Flag 1
Flags 1 GPS
Flag 2
Flags 2 GPS
Travel dir. ok
Indicates that the moving angle is valid
Travel dir
Moving angle GPS system. Calculated from the traveled distance (
should only
be used on straight sections
GPS Aktiv
Shows the bits that lead to the selection of the GPS system
– 0x0001 A limit has been entered
– 0x0002 Vehicle beyond limit –> GPS released
– 0x0004 Segment has released GPS
– 0x0008 Latch onto GPS when ready
Head. Cnt.
Telegram counter for the direction of the antenna of the GPS system
Head. mem.
Last telegram counter for the direction of the antenna of the GPS system
Dist. Border
Distance from border between transponder and GPS area. Values above 0
mean that the vehicle is inside the GPS area
GPS Tilt
When the antennas are mounted crosswise to the direction of travel this
parameter shows the sideward inclination of the vehicle
GPS Tilt dist.
The sideward position error caused by the inclination (depending on the
antenna height)
rec. State
Shows which telegrams have been received by the GPS receiver
rec. cnt.
Counts how often all GPS telegrams have been received
State SF
Shows whether transponder or GPS are active
Actual State
State of the sensor fusion (sent in the CAN bus telegram)
Table 50
List of the parameters logged on a USB memory stick (part 10 of 10)