GAP Diagnostic 2019-07-15 All Rights Reserved
User Manual : Version 33, Firmware V3.0
Post flashing Notes :
• Flashing an ECU will disable the one touch window operation. To enable the one touch ope
ration, close the window completely, release the switch, pull up and hold the switch for one
second. Repeat the procedure on each window.
• The date and time will be reset.
• Once completed, it may take a few starting cycles for error messages on the instrument cluster
to disappear.
• You may hear a chime coming from the instrument cluster.
The navigation screen will turn off during a flash. The radio memory may be erased. On
and up vehicles
, a low battery message may be displayed. Simply ignore it. The radio memory
and trip computer will be erased.
L359 up to 2012
, the engine will only start after the electronics have shut down. To do so,
lock the doors and wait a few minutes.
The viscous fan will stay engaged if the vehicle electronics are not allowed to shut down after a
flash was performed.
The intelligent start and stop system (eco) will be disabled. It will reactivate automatically after
a few kilometers or engine starts.
Hard Reset:
After a software update was performed, a hard reset may be needed in order for all systems to return
to normal. Here’s how to proceed.
Disconnect both the positive and negative cable from the vehicle’s battery.
Wait 10 minutes and short both cables together.
Reconnect the cables to the vehicle’s battery.