Operating Manual RTM X42.CC Control Center, RTM Monitoring & Control Software
User Administration – user profiles and permissions
User Administration Menu
Access to user management
Basic Setting Menu
Access to Basic Settings
Data Record
Starting and stopping data recording and automatic
brake control
Manual Brake Operation
Manual operation of the brakes in automatic mode, if
this is also specified in the recipe.
Mute alarms
Mute the alarm
Generate quality reports
Creating Quality Log from Data Recording
Copy, delete recipe
Copying, deleting recipe
Load recipe
Load recipe
Recipe manager
Access recipe manager
Edit user
User data, changing passwords
Edit own password
Change your own password
Edit user profiles
Modifying user profiles
Edit recipe
Change recipe
Table 10: User administration - User profiles
To add a new column, click on the control
and assign a unique name.
To delete a column from the list, select the column in the table and click