Calibration Manual
-9022, “Only a restricted setting available”
-9023, “Maximum frequency for this waveform is 1.11MHz”
-9024, “Minimum highlight period is 20ns”
-9025, “No further display ranges available”
-9026, “No further options”
-9027, “Current probe accessory must be fitted to active head”
-9028, “Outside energy range”
-9029, “Entered number exceeds limits”
-9030, “Channel already in use”
-9031, “Outside skew range”
-9032, “VCO characterisation failed”
-9041, “Invalid number of divisions”
-9042, “Invalid units per division”
-9043, “Units per div, number of div’s combination outside range”
-9044, “Maximum units per division for 50
-9050, “Printer is not responding”
-9051, “Printer out of paper”
-9053, “Previous test point failed - exceeded UUT spec. limits”
-9060, “Invalid test number”
-9062, “No more failures to view”
-9063, “No more tests to execute”
-9067, “Search procedure - NO test point”
-9068, “Search procedure - Function ID expected”
-9069, "Test .... must be executed first"
-9070, "Please wait - safety delay"
-9071, "Dual channel sine amplitude restricted to 2.78V"
-9072, "Dual channel sine amplitude restricted to 1.668V"
-9073, "Maximum frequency for 1M\352 load";3
-9074, "Selected head restricts frequency to 1.1GHz";
-9075, "Multi-channel DC requires 1M\352 impedance"
-9076, "Outside Pulse Width range"
-9077, "9560 Dual channel sine frequency restricted to 3.2GHz"
ALWAYS: record the total message content for possible use by the Service Center.
Device-Dependent Errors Reported only Remotely via the IEEE-488 Interface
The error list for remote operations, which are not reported on the front panel screen, is
given below:
-300,"Device specific error"
-312,"PUD memory lost"
-315,"Selftest failed"
-330,"Configuration memory lost"
-350,"Queue overflow"