High Performance Oscilloscope Calibrator
9510/9530/9550/9560 Head Verification by Functions
Verifying the Edge Function
Equipment requirements are given in Equipment Requirements and test interconnections
in Interconnections. Verification Setup shows the Verification Setup.
The Verification Procedure is in Verification Measurement Procedure, A short
description of Calculating Acceptance Limits is given in Calculation of Acceptance
Limits, and the final Uncertainty Calculation and Speed Check is in Calculation of
Acceptance Limits and Edge Speed Check.
The Edge Function is verified by carrying out measurements of risetime in the sequences
given in Verification Setup and Verification Measurement Procedure, at the verification
points shown in Table 16.
Equipment Requirements
The UUT Active Head, connected to a verified Model 9500B Mainframe.
High-bandwidth sampling oscilloscope with bandwidth
6 GHz for Risetime
Examples: Tektronix Model TDS820 (6/20 GHz for 9550/9560) or HP54750
(20/50 GHz)
SMA - SMA co-axial 'Trigger' cable for trigger inputs to the
high-bandwidth oscilloscope.
High-bandwidth coaxial attenuator may be required if 9500B edge output voltage
exceeds oscilloscope input capability.
Example: HP8493 Copt20 26.5 GHz 3.5 mm 20 dB attenuator.
SMA - BNC adaptor: Example: Sumner 33 SMA-BNC-50-1.