High Performance Oscilloscope Calibrator
Model 9500B Test and Selftest
Returns to the 'Select test' menu screen.
Prints out the results of the test.
Refer to Printing Selftest Results.
If failures were encountered, EXIT and PRINT remain available. Also, the number of
failures is shown on the screen, and an extra selection will be available:
Sets up a special screen for detailing the parameters of the failures
encountered (described later in Viewing the Test Results).
Viewing the Test Results
By pressing the VIEW FAILS screen key, each of the failed tests can be viewed in turn,
on a screen which shows the test number (pathway), measured value, upper and lower
limits, and the value of the error. A brief description of the test is also given in a box
beneath the values.
The screen for viewing the test results is shown below. This can also appear when a test
has been aborted:
If the cause of failure is not immediately obvious, and it is intended to
consult your Fluke Calibration Service Center, please ensure that you
either: copy the details from the screen for all the reported failures, or:
print out the results.
Once the details of the first failure have been noted, the next failure in the list can be
viewed by pressing the NEXT FAILURE screen key. The list of failures remains in
memory until the next selftest is started, and the PREV FAILURE screen key can be used
to help scan the list one at a time. Once the last failure in the list is on the screen, and the
NEXT FAILURE screen key is pressed, the following error message will appear in the
top right of the screen: