High Performance Oscilloscope Calibrator
Standard Calibration — Basic Sequences
Exit: Mode Key — Warning Screen
To exit from Calibration, press the Mode key on the right of the front panel. The 9500B
will present a 'Warning' display on the screen:
Exit Only
If you do not wish to alter the date-stamp, and do not wish to alter the cal due date or its
advance warning period, press the EXIT key. This terminates the calibration session, and
you will be returned to the Mode Selection screen to select another mode.
Update the Date Stamp on a Certificate
If you wish to update the date stamp to today's date, press the CAL DATE key. The
9500B presents the Cal Date screen:
The alpha-numeric keypad is locked out.
If updating the date-stamp is all that is required, without altering the due date, press the
EXIT screen key to return to the Mode Selection screen.