Downloading Program
Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
7.1.1 Security Features
Remote site upload and download with the control panel has been carefully designed to include key security features
to ensure proper functionality. The key features are listed and explained below.
Secret Code Verification
A secret code is stored in the control panel by a Service Terminal to prevent unauthorized access. The secret code is
created at the Service Terminal by the master user and cannot be viewed or changed by anyone other than a master
user. Viewing of the secret code is prohibited at the control panel. Prior to allowing an upload or download of data,
the control panel will verify the secret code transmitted by the Service Terminal.
Time-out at Control Panel
Upon answering an incoming call on either the primary or secondary Central Station phone line, the control panel
will listen for a modem connection signal. If this signal is not received within 30 seconds, the control panel will dis-
connect the call.
Callback to Service Terminal
Any time the control panel is requested to allow an upload or download, it will confirm the source of the incoming
call, hang-up and call back the calling party (Service Terminal phone number).
Panel Identification Number
The panel identification number is typically used to identify the panel to the Service Terminal when the control panel
calls the Service Terminal. If more than one call comes into the Service Terminal, the control panel ID number is
used to sort out the calling parties.
Another use of this code allows for identical secret codes to be placed into multiple control panels at one jobsite,
using the panel ID number to distinguish between the individual panels.
Error Checking
As each block of data is received by the control panel, it is checked for accuracy. If an error is detected, the block is
retransmitted until correct, up to a maximum of four times. If the Secret Code is not verified and four errors occur,
the call is disconnected and the report that the upload/download was not successful is called to the Central Station(s).
Central Station Acknowledge
There is an option, referred to as the ‘callback’ option, whereby the control panel will report to one or both Central
Stations that a request for uploading or downloading has been received prior to processing the call. If the Central
Station(s) does not acknowledge receipt of this request, uploading or downloading is prohibited. If acknowledged by
the Central Station(s), another message is transmitted, informing the Central Station(s) that:
• Downloading was successful
• Uploading was successful
• Uploading/downloading was not successful
Central Station Data Protection
Addresses '00' through '51' are assigned to the primary and secondary Central Station phone number, communication
format, account code and test time. Addresses '127' through '374' are reserved for the programmable event codes.
This block of addresses holds the entire vital Central Station information. These blocks are protected from partial
programming due to faulty phone connections, line noise and other errors. This prevents the panel from being con-
fused due to a wrong phone number, account code, test time and most critical formatting errors.