Programming Options
Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
AC Loss Reporting Delay (64)
Enter a digit of '1'-'F', corresponding to the number of hours to be delayed in reporting loss of AC power. The factory
default setting is '0' for 6 hour delay. If 24 hour battery backup is being employed, select from choices '0' through '6'.
If 60 hour backup is used, select from choices '7' through 'F'. Selections are: '0' for 6 hour delay; '1' for 7 hours; '2' for
8 hours; '3' for 9 hours; '4' for 10 hours; '5' for 11 hours; '6' for 12 hours; '7' for 15 hours; '8' for 16 hours; '9' for 17
hours; 'A' for 18 hours; 'B' for 19 hours; 'C' for 20 hours; 'D' for 21 hours; 'E' for 22 hours; 'F' for 23 hours.
Alarm Presignal (65)
Alarm Presignal is used to delay NAC (Notification Appliance Circuit) activation while allowing for visual verifica-
tion by a person. Once a zone triggers an alarm, the main board piezo and the annunciator piezo sounders turn on
steady, the display indicates the activated zone, the alarm LED blinks and the NACs are held off for 15 seconds. Dur-
ing this time, if the silence switch is pressed, the notification appliances may be held off for up to three minutes (see
Presignal Delay Timer Address 66-68). After the programmed delay period, the notification appliances will activate.
Presignal does not function for zones defined as waterflow or supervisory.
Factory default is '0' for no alarm presig-
nal. Enter '1' to select alarm presignal. During alarm presignal, access to other modes is prevented.
Alarm Presignal Delay Timer (66-68)
The alarm presignal delay timer is factory set to 120 seconds (2 minutes), address 66=1, 67=2 and 68=0. The timer
may be programmed from 0 to 179 seconds. Location 65 must be set to '1' for the delay timer to operate.
Notification Appliance Circuit #1 Enable (69)
NAC #1 may be programmed as '0' for silenceable, '1' for nonsilenceable or '2' for disabled (disabling will cause the
display to indicate '
', system trouble light to turn on and onboard piezo to sound). Factory default is '0' for
Note: Consult the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to altering this address.
Silence Inhibit Notification Appliance Circuit #1 (70)
Setting address 70 to '1' prohibits silencing of NAC #1 and the onboard piezo for one minute. Factory default is '0' for
no silence inhibit of NAC #1.
Autosilence Notification Appliance Circuit #1 (71)
NAC #1 may be autosilenced after a programmed time interval between 5 and 30 minutes. Enter '1' for 5 minute
autosilence, '2' for 10 minutes, '3' for 15 minutes, '4' for 20 minutes, '5' for 25 minutes or '6' for 30 minutes. The fac-
tory default is '0' for no autosilence.
Coding Notification Appliance Circuit #1 (72)
Coding of NAC #1 is programmable by selecting '1' for March Time (120 ppm), '2' for California (10 seconds On, 5
seconds Off) or '3' for Temporal (½ second On, ½ second Off, ½ second On, ½ second Off, ½ second On, 1½ seconds
Off). Factory default is '0' for no coding (steady).
Notification Appliance Circuit #2 Enable (73)
NAC #2 may be programmed as '0' for silenceable, '1' for nonsilenceable or '2' for disabled (disabling will cause the
display to indicate '
', system trouble light to turn on and onboard piezo to sound). Factory default is '0' for
Note: Consult the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to altering this address.
Silence Inhibit Notification Appliance Circuit #2 (74)
Setting address 74 to '1' prohibits silencing of NAC #2 and the onboard piezo for one minute. Factory default is '0' for
no silence inhibit of NAC #2.
Autosilence Notification Appliance Circuit #2 (75)
NAC #2 may be autosilenced after a programmed time interval between 5 and 30 minutes. Enter '1' for 5 minute
autosilence, '2' for 10 minutes, '3' for 15 minutes, '4' for 20 minutes, '5' for 25 minutes or '6' for 30 minutes. The fac-
tory default is '0' for no autosilence.