Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
Individual LEDs are provided for:
System Alarm
A red LED that turns on steady when an alarm condition is detected and blinks during the alarm presignal period.
System Trouble
This yellow LED blinks to indicate that a fault or abnormal condition exists and that the fire alarm system may be
inoperative. It turns on steady when the silence switch is pressed.
AC Power On
A green LED that remains on while the AC power supply is within correct limits.
If this indicator fails to light under
normal conditions, service the system immediately.
A yellow LED that blinks to indicate the need for action in connection with the supervision or maintenance of sprin-
klers, extinguishing systems or other protective systems.
System Silence
A yellow LED that turns on to indicate that an alarm or trouble condition exists in the system, but both NACs (if pro-
grammed as silenceable) and local piezo have been silenced.
Primary Line Active
A red LED on the main circuit board that indicates the primary phone line is active.
Secondary Line Active
A red LED on the main circuit board that indicates the secondary phone line is active.
A green LED on the main circuit board that blinks when a Central Station has acknowledged receipt of each transmit-
ted message or when a portion of upload or download data has been accepted from a Service Terminal.
A green LED on the main circuit board that stays on steady during modem types of communications.
Phone Connectors and LEDs
Primary Line
Secondary Line
Primary Active
Secondary Active
Modem LED
Kissoff LED