Programming Options
Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
Secondary Central Station Number Account Code (43-46)
A unique account code is provided by the Central Station. Four locations at addresses 43-46 (factory default settings
of all '0s') are used to enter the account code. Valid entries are 0 to 9 and A to F. The number of digits entered must
match the format selection. If programming '2, 3, 4 or 5' into address 42, enter the three digit account code supplied
by the Central Station (location 46 is ignored). If programming '0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C or D' into address 42, enter
the four digit account code supplied by the Central Station.
Secondary Central Station Number 24 Hour Test Time (47-50)
Use military time when entering the 24 hour 'test' time. The 24 hour test report to phone number 2 takes up four loca-
tions, from addresses 47-50. The default is '0000' (12:00 midnight). The limits for each location are as follows:
47 - enter 0-2
48 - enter 0-9
49 - enter 0-5
50 - enter 0-9
Do not use 'A-F'
Secondary Central Station Number 24/12/8/6 Hour Test Time Interval (51)
The test report sent to the Secondary phone number may be sent every 6, 8, 12 or 24 hours. If the message is to be
sent every 24 hours, leave the factory default entry of '0'. If other test report times are needed, enter '1' for 12 hours,
'2' for 8 hours or '3' for 6 hours.
Alarm Verification (52)
Alarm verification works only on zones programmed as 2-wire smoke detector zones. After detecting an alarm, the
panel removes power from all zones for six seconds, resetting all 2-wire smoke detectors. Power is reapplied and a
12 second retard period allows detectors to stabilize. During the retard/reset period of 18 seconds, subsequent alarms
by the same initiating zone are ignored. An alarm detected on any other 2-wire detector zone during the retard period
will cause immediate verified alarms. A subsequent alarm on the initiating zone occurring within the confirmation
time will cause a verified alarm.
: Mixing devices on zones designated as 2-wire smoke zones is not
During the alarm verification period, access to other modes of operation is prevented.
Factory default selection is no verification which is a '0' entry. Entering a '1' enables alarm verification.
Note: Con-
sult local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to altering this address.
Future Use (53-55)
Slave Communicator/Fire Panel Selection (56)
Leaving address 56 at '0' causes the control panel to operate as a
fire panel only
. Selecting '1' will make it operate as
slave communicator only
. Selecting '2' will make it operate as a
fire panel/communicator.
Verification Timing Diagram
120 Sec.
18 Sec.
6 Sec.
0 Sec.
Control Panel Immediately Processes Alarm
Control Panel Processes Alarm if Same Detector Zone if Still in Alarm
Alarm Ignored
Detector Alarm Verification
Detector Zone Goes Into Alarm
Different Detector Zone Alarms