Optional Boards
Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
Optional Boards
2.8.1 ADM-24 Annunciator Driver Module
The Annunciator Driver Module supports the RZA-5F Remote Annunciator. Annunciator wiring is supervised for
open conditions by this module. The Annunciator Driver Module mounts to J3 in the upper right corner of the main
circuit board.
2.8.2 RZA-5F Remote Annunciator
The RZA-5F mounts on a standard single-gang electrical box and
provides LED indication of the following:
Alarm Zone 1 (red)
Alarm Zone 2 (red)
Alarm Zone 3 (red)
Alarm Zone 4 (red)
Alarm Zone 5 (red)
System Trouble (yellow)
The remote annunciator provides individual zone alarm LEDs, a
system trouble LED, a local piezo sounder and a remote sounder
shut off switch. All LEDs and their wiring are supervised for
open conditions. Any open condition will cause the System Trou-
ble LED to turn on.
Note: The Remote Annunciator requires the use of an ADM-24
Annunciator Driver Module.
FIGURE 2-11:
ADM-24 Annunciator Driver Module
Main Circuit Board
Connector located on
back of board
FIGURE 2-12: