Document #15140 Rev.G 01/02/02 P/N 15140:G
Downloading Initiated at Control Panel
Downloading Initiated at Control Panel
Before initiating the download procedure, make certain that the control panel is:
In Normal Mode
Central Station communications are off or location 56 is set to '0'
The communicator is in the standby state (red Line Seize LEDs are off, green Modem and Kissoff LEDs
are off)
Place the control panel into Program Mode and program one or both of the Service Terminal phone numbers. It is
also advisable at this time to program the Panel Identification Number at addresses 84 - 87. This will allow the Ser-
vice Terminal to easily identify incoming calls.
Exit the Program Mode and return the panel to Normal Mode. Press the
key followed by the 4-digit code
and then the
spells DOWN on a Touch-Tone
The display to the far left will flash the letter 'S'. Press the digit '1' for Service Terminal phone #1 or '2' for Service
Terminal #2, followed by
. The control panel will now call the appropriate Service Terminal
phone number and the downloading process will begin.
Once the called Service Terminal identifies the incoming call (control panel), the downloading process is allowed to
continue. Downloading progresses until all programmed information has been successfully loaded into the control
panel. The programmed data may consist of addresses 00-374 plus the time and date.
Downloading Initiated at a Service Terminal
Before initiating the download procedure, make certain that the control panel is:
In Normal Mode
Central Station communications are off or location 56 is set to '0'
The communicator is in the standby state (red Line Seize LEDs are off, green Modem and Kissoff LEDs
are off)
Once the control panel accepts/answers an incoming call, the panel will:
Establish basic modem connection
Verify secret code and panel identification number
Verify callback vs. no callback request from the service terminal. If callback is requested, steps 4 through 9
will occur. If no callback is requested, only steps 8 and 9 will occur
Identify the Service Terminal location
Hang-up/disconnect call
Call the Central Station(s) and transmit a request for upload/download message (if programmed to do so). If
this message is accepted, the control panel will proceed to the next step
Return call to Service Terminal
After security clearance, begin downloading
Upon completion of download, call Central Station(s) back and report either a successful download or failed
upload/download message (if programmed to do so)