7 ClOCK GeneRaTOR (ClG)
Seiko epson Corporation
S1C17624/604/622/602/621 TeChniCal Manual
The IOSC clock is not supplied to the system immediately after IOSC oscillation starts until the time
set here has elapsed.
9.3 IOSC Oscillation Stabilization Wait Time Settings
Table 7.
Oscillation stabilization wait time
8 cycles
16 cycles
32 cycles
64 cycles
(Default: 0x0)
This is set to 64 cycles (IOSC clock) after an initial reset. This means the CPU can start operating when
the CPU operation start time at initial reset indicated below (at a maximum) has elapsed after the reset
state is canceled.
CPU operation start time at initial reset
IOSC oscillation start time (max.) + IOSC oscilla-
tion stabilization wait time (64 cycles)
When the system clock is switched to IOSC immediately after turning the IOSC oscillator on, the IOSC
clock is supplied to the system after the IOSC clock system supply wait time indicated below (at a
maximum) has elapsed. If the power supply voltage V
has stabilized sufficiently, IOSCWT[1:0] can
be set to 0x3 to reduce the oscillation stabilization wait time.
IOSC clock system supply wait time
IOSC oscillation start time (max.) + IOSC oscillation
stabilization wait time
OSC3WT[1:0]: OSC3 Wait Cycle Select Bits
An oscillation stabilization wait time is set to prevent malfunctions due to unstable clock operation at
the start of OSC3 oscillation.
The OSC3 clock is not supplied to the system immediately after OSC3 oscillation starts—e.g., when
the OSC3 oscillator is turned on with software—until the time set here has elapsed.
9.4 OSC3 Oscillation Stabilization Wait Time Settings
Table 7.
Oscillation stabilization wait time
128 cycles
256 cycles
512 cycles
1024 cycles
(Default: 0x0)
This is set to 1,024 cycles (OSC3 clock) after an initial reset.
When the system clock is switched to OSC3 immediately after the OSC3 oscillator circuit is turned on,
the OSC3 clock is supplied to the system after the OSC3 clock system supply wait time indicated below
(at a maximum) has elapsed.
OSC3 clock system supply wait time
OSC3 oscillation start time (max.) + OSC3 oscilla-
stabilization wait time
note: Oscillation stability will vary, depending on the resonator and other external components.
Carefully consider the OSC3 oscillation stabilization wait time before reducing the time.
iOSCen: iOSC enable Bit
Enables or disables IOSC oscillator operations.
1 (R/W): Enabled (on) (default)
0 (R/W): Disabled (off)
note: The IOSC oscillator cannot be stopped if the IOSC clock is being used as the system clock.