13 16-BiT PWM TiMeRS (T16a2)
Seiko epson Corporation
S1C17624/604/622/602/621 TeChniCal Manual
CAPBOWIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the capture B register is overwritten.
CAPBOWIF is reset by writing 1.
CaPaOWiF: Capture a Overwrite interrupt Flag Bit
Indicates whether the cause of capture A overwrite interrupt has occurred or not.
1 (R):
Cause of interrupt has occurred
0 (R):
No cause of interrupt has occurred (default)
1 (W):
Flag is reset
0 (W):
CAPAOWIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the capture A register is overwritten.
CAPAOWIF is reset by writing 1.
CaPBiF: Capture B interrupt Flag Bit
Indicates whether the cause of capture B interrupt has occurred or not.
1 (R):
Cause of interrupt has occurred
0 (R):
No cause of interrupt has occurred (default)
1 (W):
Flag is reset
0 (W):
CAPBIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the counter value is captured in the capture B
CAPBIF is reset by writing 1.
CaPaiF: Capture a interrupt Flag Bit
Indicates whether the cause of capture A interrupt has occurred or not.
1 (R):
Cause of interrupt has occurred
0 (R):
No cause of interrupt has occurred (default)
1 (W):
Flag is reset
0 (W):
CAPAIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the counter value is captured in the capture A
CAPAIF is reset by writing 1.
CBiF: Compare B interrupt Flag Bit
Indicates whether the cause of compare B interrupt has occurred or not.
1 (R):
Cause of interrupt has occurred
0 (R):
No cause of interrupt has occurred (default)
1 (W):
Flag is reset
0 (W):
CBIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the counter reaches the value set in the compare B
CBIF is reset by writing 1.
CaiF: Compare a interrupt Flag Bit
Indicates whether the cause of compare A interrupt has occurred or not.
1 (R):
Cause of interrupt has occurred
0 (R):
No cause of interrupt has occurred (default)
1 (W):
Flag is reset
0 (W):
CAIF is a T16A2 interrupt flag that is set to 1 when the counter reaches the value set in the compare A
CAIF is reset by writing 1.