Line 1: the name of the account can be edited for up to a maximum of 14
characters, including space and/or special characters (+ - * / = ( ) from the <Up>
arrow; and . ? : ; , ‘ from the <Down> arrow keys). The default name is “Team
Formula 1”, with the cursor as a solid underline bar under the first letter “T”.
To edit/change the name of the account, press <Ent>. Note the cursor is now
changed to a blinking darker square, ready to accept the new data. Use the soft
keys to toggle through the alphabets (capital and small letters) and/or numbers
as described in previous sections, and use <Right> or <Left> arrow keys to move
between data fields.
Once the name is entered correctly, press <Ent> to save the new name. Then
press <Esc> to exit to the previous menu. NOT pressing <Ent> will discard the
changes and default back to the factory settings.
“Enter New Time/Date” will display the following screen:
Line 1: the time is displayed in the HH:MM:SS format, with the cursor as a solid
underline bar under the hour.
Line 2: the date is displayed in the MM/DD/YY format.
To leave the time and date unchanged, press <Esc> key to exit to the previous
To edit/change the time, press <Ent>. Note the cursor is now changed to a
blinking darker square, ready to accept the new data. Use the soft keys to enter
the numbers or <Up>, <Down> keys as described in previous sections, and use
<Right> or <Left> arrow keys to move between data fields.
Once the time and date is entered correctly, press <F5> to save the new data
and exit to the previous menu. NOT pressing <F5> will discard the changes and
default back to the factory settings.
“Enter New Password” will display the following screen:
Ent New Passw:XXXX
Ent to Save/Esc=Exit
Line 1: the password is a 4-digit (1 – 9999) combination. Note the cursor is now
changed to a blinking darker square, ready to accept the new data. Use the soft
keys to enter numbers as described in previous sections, and use <Right> or
<Left> arrow keys to move between data fields.
Once the password is entered correctly, press <Ent> to save the new password.
Then press <Esc> to exit to the previous menu. NOT pressing <Ent> will discard
the changes and default back to the factory settings.
“Forminame14CharMax” will display the following screen:
Esc=Previous Menu
Wash1 Form #1 Name
Wash1 Form #2 Name
W2 Form #1 Name
W2 Form #2 Name