6.5 Verify delivery amounts
With the controller in the Formula Program menu; use the Heavy Soil Signal
switch on the User Interface Module to trigger a delivery of the programmed
amount of solution to a graduated cylinder to verify the programmed amount.
NOTE: TM should check calibration every 12 months to ensure accuracy.
7.0 User Operation
7.1 Replacing product capsule
Note: Replace capsule only when dispenser calls for new capsule (amber
light, alarm, message on controller display). This information is outlined
on the Formula 1 wall chart. If capsule is replaced before the tank is empty,
the dispenser will not rinse out the capsule. However, the product in the
capsule will dry out which will inhibit the dispenser’s ability to rinse the
capsule thoroughly.
1. Lift
2. Remove empty capsule and discard.
3. Remove and discard cap on new product capsule.
4. Dock new capsule.
5. Close
6. Press Start key.
Note: An alarm will notify the user when the tank level is low. The user
should replace the product capsule at that time. However, there is a grace
period of several loads before the lock out. At lock out, the dispenser will
not deliver product and will alarm upon every request thereafter. The user
must then replace the empty capsule with a new
capsule and press start to
unlock the dispenser and return to normal operation.
7.2 Selecting
Use selector switch on washer interface module to select one of two formulas
(use formula stickers to indicate which formula corresponds with each position)
7.3 Selecting heavy soil
User may toggle the heavy soil switch any time before detergent injection to
request extra detergent. Switch must be held for 0.3 seconds to register. The
dispenser will inject 150% of the programmed amount of detergent for the current
load only. The next injection will be a normal amount unless the heavy soil
switch is toggled again.
Note: The heavy soil switch applies to detergent only, not the finishing