] – This key is for future expansion. No system function is designed yet for this
key. However, during the programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.),
toggling this key will get access to “Q, Z, q, z, 1” in that order.
] – This key is reserved for the customer “Start” feature. However, during the
programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get access
to “A, B, C, a, b, c, 2” in that order.
] – This key is reserved for the customer “Alarm Silence” feature. However,
during the programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will
get access to “D, E, F, d, e, f, 3” in that order.
] – This key is reserved for the customer “Load Count” feature. However, during
the programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get
access to “G, H, I, g, h, i, 4” in that order.
] – This key is designed as a <Page Up> (when browsing through logged
capsules usage), or <Yes> functions (when saving new programmed time/date). Also,
during the programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will
get access to “J, K, L, j, k, l, 5” in that order.
] – This key is designed to get access to the system password-protected
program. Also, during the programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.),
toggling this key will get access to “M, N, O, m, n, o, 6” in that order.
] – This key is designed as a <Prime Detergent>, or <Prime Aux (Auxiliary
Product)> functions to Washer #1, or <Prime Water>, or <Turn on Add-Product Light>
during the diagnostics mode. Also, during the programming of data fields (name,
amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get access to “P, R, S, p, r, s, 7” in that order.
] – This key is designed as a <Prime Detergent>, or <Prime Aux (Auxiliary
Product)> functions to Washer #2, or <Recirculation>, or <Turn on Audible Alarm>
during the diagnostics mode. Also, during the programming of data fields (name,
amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get access to “T, U, V, t, u, v, 8” in that order.
] – This key is designed as a <Prime Detergent>, or <Prime Aux (Auxiliary
Product)> functions to Washer #3. Also, during the programming of data fields (name,
amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get access to “W, X, Y, w, x, y, 9” in that order.
] – This key is designed as a <Page Down> (when browsing through logged
capsules usage), or <Exit> functions (exiting the system program). Also, during the
programming of data fields (name, amount, time, etc.), toggling this key will get access
to “(space), 0 (zero)” in that order.
Programming Overview
This section is an overview of the top level-programming screen with a brief explanation
of each of the features within each sub menu.
Pressing F6 will display a password screen: