Crystal Vision
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
1.1 TANDEM-110 configurations
Each side is independent and three configurations are supported, dual de-embedder, dual
embedder or a mixed embedder/de-embedder. Routed audio can be delayed up to 0.68
seconds per side and/or inverted.
For each side with an input option card, audio channels can be selected from any four
mono channels available from the input card which can then be routed to any one of the
four available groups in the output SDI stream via that side’s embedder.
TANDEM-110 side 1 with input option
For each side with an output option card, up to four mono audio channels can be selected
from any one of the four groups from that side’s SDI input. These four channels can then
be routed to any of the four mono channels available on the output card.
TANDEM-110 side 2 with output option