Crystal Vision
The card edge display
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
to allow delay values to be updated as soon as the shaft encoder is altered to ease the task
of setting audio delay empirically.
For all other menus, including silence delay threshold, where the shaft encoder changes
assigned values, switch 1 of the MENU dip switch must be toggled between ON and OFF
to save the new value in the TANDEM-110 database.
Setting audio gains
Audio gain may be set independently for each of the four audio channels on each
TANDEM 110 side. The gain is variable from zero (mute) to eight times unity gain
The Audio Gain menu is obtained by setting MENU levers 5 and 6 both ON (DOWN)
and all other levers UP or OFF.
The ADJ shaft encoder varies the gain for the channel selected with the SEL switch..
The available audio gain settings are summarised in the following table:
Audio gain
Examples and comments
ADJ funct
CH 1, Side 1
AG1.1 100. Side 1 Audio Channel 1 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 2, Side 1
AG1.2 100. Side 1 Audio Channel 2 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 3, Side 1
AG1.3 100. Side 1 Audio Channel 3 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 4, Side 1
AG1.4 100. Side 1 Audio Channel 4 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 1, Side 2
AG1.1 100. Side 2 Audio Channel 1 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 2, Side 2
AG1.2 100. Side 2 Audio Channel 2 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 3, Side 2
AG1.3 100. Side 2 Audio Channel 3 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
CH 4, Side 2
AG1.4 100. Side 2 Audio Channel 4 set to
unity gain.
ADJ= 0 to 799%
The gain setting is associated with router inputs, rather than audio sources or
destinations. This means that audio gain settings will apply to the current routing table
and will not change if (say) a different audio group is chosen for de-embedding.