Crystal Vision
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
1.2 TANDEM-110 functions
Setting audio channel gains
Each TANDEM-110 side is equipped with four channels of variable audio gain to help
compensate for inconsistencies in system levels.
The gain range provided is variable from zero (mute) to eight times unity gain (799%).
Stereo to mono conversion
Facilities are provided to convert stereo or adjacent dual channels to mono. The
conversion works slightly differently, depending on whether an input or output card is
If audio channels are derived from an external source via a digital or analogue input card,
the mono function follows the router and any of the four output channels can be set as the
mono sum of its stereo pair.
If audio channels are de-embedded from the incoming SDI signal the mono function
precedes the router and input channels 1&2 and input channels 3&4 can be configured as
either a stereo or mono source prior to being fed to an analogue or digital output card.
Ancillary data
Ancillary data can be placed in both the vertical and horizontal blanking intervals of the
serial component video signal (SDI). The vertical ancillary data space or VANC is used
for such data as VITS or VITC whilst AES/EBU digital audio data is embedded in the
horizontal blanking data interval or HANC.
Data packet management provides controls to choose how new audio packets created for
re-embedding audio are inserted into the HANC data space.
Data packet management provides the following ancillary data handling options:
Support for contiguous HANC data packing
Automatic mark audio group for deletion
Blank entire HANC data space, except the EDH insert
Wide range of formats to embed on all HANC lines or leave a gap around the
vertical switching point
Variable error masking and error handling
Enable or disable EDH processing
Details of HANC processing and EDH processing can be found in the Data Packet
Management chapter.