Crystal Vision
TANDEM-110 User Manual R1.8
Mixed embedder/de-embedder
To configure a mixed embedder/de-embedder, an audio input option card fitted in side 1
and an audio output option card fitted into the side 2.
TANDEM-110 with input opt side 1/output opt side 2 -
option card assignment must be as shown for mixed embedder/de-embedder
Routing restrictions
The following routing restrictions apply to a TANDEM-110:
TANDEM-110 does not provide an embedder AND a de-embedder function for
the same SDI data stream - re-embedding of de-embedded data
with only one
is not supported
If there is an input option board, then an embedder function will be provided, if
there is an output option board or NO option card fitted, then a de-embedder
function will be provided
If no option card is fitted, the de-embedder function can only be used by the
Audio Monitoring function via the front PCB jack socket or the monitoring
audio bus rear connector
If only one option card is to be fitted, then that card MUST be on side 1.
TANDEM-110 does not support an input option in SDI 2 and an output option
in SDI 1 - always fit an input option in SDI 1 and an output option in SDI 2
when using an input/output pair – see supported configurations table
Audio and video signals cannot be routed between one SDI circuit and the other
Audio channels must be chosen from within one group when embedding or de-