Valleylab FT10 Energy Platform User’s Guide
Warnings and Cautions for Laparoscopic Procedures
Warnings and Cautions for Laparoscopic
For laparoscopic procedures, be alert to these potential hazards:
Laparoscopic surgery may result in gas embolism due to insufflation of gas in the abdomen.
The electrode tip or LigaSure jaws may remain hot enough to cause burns after the
electrosurgical current is deactivated.
Inadvertent activation or movement of the activated instrument electrode or jaws outside of
the field of vision may result in injury to the patient.
Localized burns to the patient or physician may result from electrical currents carried through
conductive objects (such as other instrument, cannulas, or scopes). Electrical current may be
generated in conductive objects through direct contact with the active electrode or jaws,
capacitative coupling, or by the active instrument (electrode or cable) being in close proximity
to the conductive object. Localized burns to the patient or physician may occur.
Do not use hybrid trocars that have a non-conductive locking anchor placed over a conductive
sleeve. For the operative channel, use all-metal or all-plastic systems. At no time should
electrical energy pass through hybrid systems. Capacitive coupling of RF current may cause
unintended burns.
When using laparoscopic instrumentation with metal cannulas, the potential exists for burns
to the abdominal wall due to direct electrode contact or capacitive coupling of RF current. This
is most likely to occur in instances where the energy platform is activated for extended periods
at high power levels inducing high current levels in the cannula.
Carefully insert and withdraw LigaSure instruments from cannulas to avoid possible damage to
the devices and/or injury to the patient.
Ensure that the insulation of single-use and reusable laparoscopic instrumentation is intact and
uncompromised. Compromised insulation may lead to inadvertent metal-to-metal sparking
and neuromuscular stimulation and/or inadvertent sparking to adjacent tissue.
Do not activate the LigaSure function in an open-circuit condition. Activate the energy platform
only when the instrument is near or in direct contact with the target tissue to reduce the
possibility of unintended burns.
Covidien recommends against the use of laparoscopic surgery on pregnant patients.