Valleylab FT10 Energy Platform User’s Guide
System Functions
System Functions
The VLFT10GEN system functions are accessed from buttons on the front panel: On/Off,
Restore, Audio Volume, and Service and Settings.
When the system is plugged into a power source, the On/Off button appears yellow. Turn
on power to the energy platform by pressing and holding the On/Off button for 0.25
seconds. After a successful power-on self-test, the On/Off button illuminates green. A
tone sounds to signal a successful system power up.
Press and hold the button for 1 second to turn power off. The button illuminates yellow
when the system is powered down. If a system is non-responsive, holding the button for
10 seconds will power down the system.
Select the restore button on the front panel to reset the system to the settings in use when
the system was last powered down using the On/Off button. Accepting the prompt in the
dialog box will reset all quadrants to their last setting. All modes and values are reset with
the exception of volume and Auto Bipolar setting.
and the touchscreen will display the last settings entered into each of the
quadrants prior to shutting off the system.