6 Technical Speci
Check that the operational temperature range of the SFP/SFP+/XFP module is suitable for
the installation environment. Note that the temperature of the SFP/SFP+/XFP case will be
approximately 15 degrees higher than ambient temperature. For more information on the
allowed SFP/SFP+/XFP case temperature range see chapter Pluggable Transceivers in
Smart Routers Hardware Installation Guide
Power input speci
8665 Smart Router equipped with PIMs:
• -48 Vdc nominal input voltage
• -40 Vdc...-60 Vdc absolute input voltage range
• 85A maximum current
• Fuses inside PIM 2* T60A, strip fuse, bolt down
External circuit breakers shall be used on the battery side of the
power cable for PIM. See recommendations for external circuit
breakers in
8600 Smart Routers Hardware Installation Guide
Power consumption
Maximum power capacity of
• 8665 Smart Router subrack equipped with 8665 Smart
Router DC48 power input modules can be used with power
consumptions of up to 3400 W. With LU-1 and SU-1 the
maximum power that can be used is maximum 1.7kW
The typical and maximum power consumption values for all cards
and modules can be seen in the corresponding chapters of this
See more information in chapter
1.3 8665 Smart Router Power
Heat dissipation
In practice, all electrical power turns into heat in 8600 Smart
Routers. Thus, when calculating the power dissipation of the NE,
the same
gure represents the heat dissipation in Watts.
Depending on the con
guration of the system the equipment area
heat release may exceed the limit speci
ed in [GR-63-CORE]
(995 [W/m2]). If this interferes with the cooling capacity of the
installation facility, additional equipment for room cooling may be
Power feed card for the chassis.
-48 Vdc power feed.
Max input current: 85 A.
Power feeding protection (redundancy) is achieved with two PIMs
in 8665 Smart Router R2 subrack.
Coriant recommends that 2 PIMs should always be used.
Unit Slots
6 slots for line units, 2 slots for switch units.
Chassis equipped with LU1 and SU1 cards does not use the full 85A, but in the worst conditions (temperature, components, voltage) up to 45A.
8600 Smart Routers
© 2015 Coriant.
8665 Smart Router FP7.0 Reference Manual