4 Power Input Module
4 Power Input Module
The DC48 power input module for 8665 Smart Router offers -48 Vdc supply interface. 8665 Smart
Router subrack provides two power input modules (PIM) on the front side of the NE. Two power
input modules enable redundant power feeding. The nominal input voltage is -48 Vdc. The -48 Vdc
output of the PIM is routed to the backplane for the use of line units, switch units and fans.
The PIM features are the following:
• Input over-current protection (fuses)
• Input transient overvoltage protection
• Input voltage status monitoring
• Input voltage status LED
• 3,6 V auxiliary Power Supply Unit (PSU)
The input voltage is fed through the input fuses and
lters to the backplane. The PIM also includes
transient overvoltage protection. Redundancy is realized by using two PIMs in the NE. There is no
active current sharing between the two PIMs. However, in the case of equal input voltages at input
connectors the current will be divided rather equally between the two PIMs. One PIM is able to
supply the whole current required by the 8665 Smart Router subrack in case of failure in other PIM.
8600 Smart Routers
© 2015 Coriant.
8665 Smart Router FP7.0 Reference Manual