1 8665 Smart Router Overview
8665 Smart Router is a forced convection-cooled equipment. Fresh air is taken from the
bottom-front of the subrack and funneled through the units and the outlet air is led to the top-back.
Forced cooling is needed to dissipate the generated heat load and to maintain the components
within their operating limits.
Three fan modules, located below the card shelf, blow air through the units. One module consists
of three parallel fans. If one of the fans fails, the other eight will maintain adequate cooling for
a limited time.
The control functionality on LU1 monitors and controls the equipment temperature by adjusting
the fan rotation speed via the backplane. The rotation speed control of the fans is based on the
temperature values measured from the components on the units in the NE. The 8665 Smart Router
fan module supports 16-step fan speed control. At start-up the fans are running at full speed until the
equipment is booted up and able to monitor the card temperatures. The operating temperature of a
unit measured by any sensor is targeted to be below +67° C/+152.6° F. If any sensor exceeds that
value, the rotation speed of the fans will be adjusted to maintain it.
There are several temperature measuring sensors on the line unit and switch unit. Some of them
measure the internal temperature of the components, while others measure the line unit temperatures
in different locations. Each sensor has its own threshold for high temperature warning and critical
temperature alarms. A high temperature warning is raised when the measured sensor temperature
exceeds its time-conditional threshold for over 15 minutes and immediately when the high
unconditional threshold is exceeded. The high temperature warning indicates that the operating
ambient temperature is high and about to exceed the allowed operating range. If the warning occurs
and the equipment is not used in high ambient temperature, it may be advisable to change the air
lter and check that there are no obstacles preventing smooth air
ow. When operating at sea level
and the air
lter is clean, this warning will occur at ambient near +45° C/+113° F.
If the data plane switch component temperature is exceeded the data forwarding for that SU1 is
disabled to cool down the unit, but the SU1 will still switch the NE internal communication to
protect the NE internal communication integrity.
LU1 will go to
mode, if the critical time-conditional threshold is exceeded for over 15
minutes or immediately, if the unconditional threshold is exceeded. LU1 will stay in power-save
mode for about 8-9 minutes before it checks if the conditions are acceptable.
LU1 Temperature Warning and Alarm Thresholds
Sensor Name
High Time-
Critical Time-
81° C (177.8° F)
90° C (194° F)
90° C (194° F)
100° C (212° F)
81° C (177.8° F)
90° C (194° F)
90° C (194° F)
100° C (212° F)
8665 Smart Router Fan Modules and Their Operating Voltages
8665 Smart Router fan module
Operating voltage is the 48 Vdc battery voltage, fed to fan modules
via the power input modules and the backplane.
8600 Smart Routers
8665 Smart Router FP7.0 Reference Manual
© 2015 Coriant.