Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 22 Configuring Redundancy
MSFC Redundancy
00:03:47: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
The High-Availability Redundancy Feature is enabled
The config mode is no longer accessible
Non-Designated Router is now online
Running Configuration Synchronization will begin in 1 minute
A one-minute timer will start, allowing the nondesignated MSFC to stabilize. When the timer expires, a
snapshot of the current running configuration is sent to the nondesignated MSFC. This message is
displayed before synchronizing the running configuration:
Syncing Running Configuration to the Non-Designated Router
These examples show that Config Sync AdminStatus and RuntimeStatus are enabled on the designated
and nondesignated MSFCs:
show redundancy
Designated Router: 1 Non-designated Router:2
Redundancy Status: non-designated
Config Sync AdminStatus : enabled
Config Sync RuntimeStatus: enabled
show redundancy
Designated Router: 1 Non-designated Router:2
Redundancy Status: designated
Config Sync AdminStatus : enabled
Config sync RuntimeStatus: enabled
Scenario 5: Designated MSFC Goes Down
In this scenario, the nondesignated MSFC will become the designated MSFC. Configuration
synchronization is disabled, and the configuration mode on the CLI is now available.
When the previously designated MSFC comes back up, it will become the nondesignated MSFC; see the
“Scenario 4: Nondesignated MSFC Comes Up” section on page 22-39