Catalyst 6000 Family Software Configuration Guide—Releases 6.3 and 6.4
Chapter 13 Configuring CEF for PFC2
Configuring NetFlow Statistics
Specifying the NetFlow Table Entry Aging-Time Value
The entry aging time for each protocol (IP and IPX) applies to all protocol-specific NetFlow table
entries. Any entry that has not been used for
seconds is aged out. The default is 256 seconds.
You can specify the aging time in the range of 8 to 2032 seconds in 8-second increments. Any aging-time
value that is not a multiple of 8 seconds is adjusted to the closest multiple of 8 seconds. For example, a
value of 65 is adjusted to 64 and a value of 127 is adjusted to 128.
To specify the entry aging time for both IP and IPX, perform this task in privileged mode:
This example shows how to specify the entry aging time:
Console> (enable)
set mls agingtime 512
Multilayer switching agingtime IP and IPX set to 512
Console> (enable)
To specify the IP entry aging time, perform this task in privileged mode:
This example shows how to specify the IP entry aging time:
Console> (enable)
set mls agingtime ip 512
Multilayer switching aging time IP set to 512
Console> (enable)
To specify the IPX entry aging time, perform this task in privileged mode:
This example shows how to specify the IPX entry aging time:
Console> (enable)
set mls agingtime ipx 512
Multilayer switching aging time IPX set to 512
Console> (enable)
Specify the aging time for NetFlow table entries.
set mls agingtime
Specify the IP entry aging time for the NetFlow
set mls agingtime ip
Specify the IPX entry aging time for the NetFlow
set mls agingtime ipx