Firepower 7000 and 8000 Series Installation Guide
Chapter 4 Installing a Firepower Managed Device
Identifying the Sensing Interfaces
If you want to take advantage of a device’s automatic bypass capability, you must connect the two
interfaces on the left or the two interfaces on the right to a network segment. This allows traffic to flow
even if the device fails or loses power. You must also use the web interface to configure a pair of
interfaces as an inline set and enable bypass mode on the inline set.
Figure 4-14
Dual-Port 10GBASE (MMSR or SMLR) Fiber Configurable Bypass NetMod
The dual-port 10GBASE fiber configurable bypass configuration uses LC-type (Local Connector)
optical transceivers. Note that these can be either MMSR or SMLR interfaces.
You can use this configuration to passively monitor up to two separate network segments. You also can
use paired interfaces in inline or inline with bypass mode, which allows you to deploy the managed
device as an intrusion prevention system on a single network.
For best performance, use the interface sets consecutively. If you skip interfaces, you may experience
degraded performance.
If you want to take advantage of a device’s automatic bypass capability, you must connect two interfaces
to a network segment. This allows traffic to flow even if the device fails or loses power. You must also
use the web interface to configure a pair of interfaces as an inline set and enable bypass mode on the
inline set.
Figure 4-15
Dual-Port 40GBASE-SR4 Fiber Configurable Bypass NetMod
The dual-port 40GBASE-SR4 fiber configurable bypass configuration uses MPO (Multiple-Fiber Push
On) connector optical transceivers.
You can use the 40G NetMod only in the following 8000 Series models: