Computation active
Provides the channel-specific information that the computation of block pre-
run is active in the channel.
By querying in the program, NC or CPL parts (such as a tool change or modi‐
fications in the database) can be hidden during the computation.
Description of parameter values
Block pre-run is not active.
Block pre-run is active.
Lock target blocks
Allows in the respective channel to lock areas for the target block selection in
the part program.
In the part program, ranges in which no target blocks are permissible can
thus be locked. When the lock is activated, the target block is applied, but an
NC start is not assumed. In this case, either a general warning or – if present
– an individual note text (see /SysSRun/LockWarning system date) is output.
The block pre-run cannot be continued on another target block.
The date is written in the NC program.
Description of parameter values
Target blocks are not locked.
Target blocks are disabled.
Individual return to path velocity
Indicates an individual return to path velocity. It becomes active if the value 2
is entered in "/SysReentry/FeedMode".
The value can be modified in the part program.
Description of the variable values
Approaching velocity
Optional return to path velocity
Indicates an optional return to path velocity. It becomes effective if a value of
1 is entered in "/SysReentry/FeedMode" and no valid F-value becomes effec‐
tive in the interruption block or if time programming is active (G93).
If an invalid value is parameterized for the optional return to path velocity, the
emergency strategy to use the low jog velocity of the respective first axis in
the channel as optional return to path velocity.
It is recommended to enter a reasonable velocity value. The value can also
be entered in the part program.
Description of the variable values
Approaching velocity
Return to path velocity selection
Defines how the approaching velocity is to be determined.
The value can be modified in the part program.
Description of the variable values
Approaching velocity = jog velocity
Approaching velocity = active feed in the interruption block
(programmed feed)
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Block search in MTX micro