Output and acknowledgement behavior
All auxiliary functions of an NC block are simultaneously output to the PLC
program. This takes place at the beginning of a block and is followed by tra‐
versing motions if any have been programmed. The position of the auxiliary
function within the block is of no relevance. At the end of the NC block, the
control waits until all auxiliary functions that were output have been acknowl‐
edged before it starts processing the next NC block. For this reason, the ac‐
knowledgement order is not essential.
The behavior is illustrated in more detail using an example.
The following NC blocks are to be processed:
N100 G01 X200 F2000
N101 M10 G01 X220 M11 H1=10
N102 G01 X200
1. The NC moves the X-axis to position X=200 in block N100.
2. Then block N101 is activated, and the NC outputs all auxiliary functions.
In the PLC program, bits Ch1_M010, Ch1_M011 and H1_Ack are set to
"True", and H1_Val is set to value "10".
3. Then the X-axis is moved to position X=220.
4. Once position X=200 has been reached, the NC waits for the acknowl‐
edgement of all auxiliary functions. This requires that the PLC sets bits
Ch1_M010, Ch1_M011 and H1_Ack to "False".
5. After all auxiliary functions have been acknowledged, the NC moves the
X-axis to position X=200.
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
PLC commissioning