Signal level
The action block or the adjustment program is processed.
No action block and adjustment program are processed.
Return to contour active "iCh_SRunRepos"
The signal has an effect together with the "block pre-run" functionality.
Signal level
The approaching block to the target block is active.
The approaching block is not active.
NC adjustment program
The automatic adjustment program is required to adjust the following condi‐
tions at the machine to the current state:
Interpolations G0, G1, G2, G3
Active tools and offsets Txx M6 G47(?)
Spindle states Sx=yyyy M3/M4/M5 G95/G96 SMAX STA
Auxiliary functions Mxx Myy Mzz Hyy
Feedrate Fxxxxx
Zero offsets G54..G59
Placements BCR
Program auxiliary functions SHT, MIR
Supported axis transformations, face/cylinder transformation COORD
Axis WCS target positions X,Y,Z
If it is not possible to automatically restore a state, a message has to be out‐
put. In the operating mode "Overwrite", the operator has to ensure the corre‐
sponding state.
Adjustment programs are machine-specific. The machine manu‐
facturer is responsible for creating the adjustment program. The
elements specified above are only a reference point but do not
have to be complete.
; Automatic adjust program - milling machines
; MTX micro 13V12
; Version 1.0
; 02-JULY-2014
; do not change unless you know what you do...
1000 WAIT
; adjust active & pre-selected tool & perform tool change
; adjust pre-selected tool (last programmed T without calling M6)
1002 DIM TADR$(8)
1003 TADR$=NCF("T",1)
1004 TADR$=MID$(TADR$,2,7)
1004 PRN#(0,"T PRE=",TADR$)
1005 TNR%=VAL(TADR$)
1007 IF TNR% <> SD.SysToolSRun.ActTool.IKQ3 THEN
1006 SD.SysToolSRun.PreTool.IKQ3=TNR%
1006 ELSE
1006 SD.SysToolSRun.PreTool.IKQ3=0
1006 ENDIF
; perform tool change for active tool (found in TCH _TL_ADJ_SEA)
N106 T[SD.SysToolSRun.ActTool.IKQ3]M6
; check if ED=0, since ED[0] produce error
1006 IF SD.SysToolSRun.TargEd <> 0 THEN
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Block search in MTX micro