CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
The ‘Device’ tab:
The ‘Device name and type’, the version of the ‘System hard- and software’ and the
’Free memory’ on the USB flashdrive stick are displayed under ‘System information’, if
the “INFO.TXT” file has been imported from the flashdrive stick before by clicking the
. (The maximum display for the memory available is 136:31, which
corresponds to a 4 GB flashdrive).
The ‘Lock keys’ function allows you to disable the buttons on the CR-200. It can then
only be controlled e.g. by automatic call detection. Moreover, the ‘External control port’
can be enabled here (see chapter 5.5).
Under “PIN“ a maximum 6-character code (figures and letters) can be entered. Each
recording of the CR-200 will contain this PIN code (Default: “1234“).
By clicking ’Set Date & Time value’, in addition to the configuration file a file TIME.DAT
will be created to be saved on the USB flashdrive stick in order to set the internal clock
of the CR-200. Please note, that taking out the flashdrive stick from the PC, inserting it
into the CR-200 and starting up and reading the flashdrive stick takes some time. So,
you should set the value the clock will be set to a little time ahead here.