CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
To the right, next to the playback controls, there are three buttons that allow you to
enable the replay of a given excerpt of the recording. These functions can, for instance,
be very useful if a transcription of the recording needs to be made.
During playback of a recording, click on the ‘[…]’ button to start an endless, looped
replay of a short section, starting from the current position. You can preset the length of
this section under ‘Interval length’ in the software’s settings (see the start of section 6).
By pressing again on this button, you move the section on one interval’s length and
looped replay then continues of the next section.
Depending on the version of the system software you have, you can also control
this function in other ways, for instance with a foot-operated switch connected to the
CR-100 USB unit’s ‘Control’ socket (see section 3.2.4).
By using the ‘|<<’ button, you can go back to the active’s loop’s starting point, with the
playback then restarting immediately from this position. You use the ‘<-->’ button to end
an activated looped playback.
Via ‘Loop enabled’, you can also start a looped playback separately and manually set
the loop’s start and end points. If you enable ‘Options’, you will see more options
relating to this displayed in the playback window.
Under ‘Options’ you are able to use position markers to manually set the start and end
points for playback by dragging the relevant pointer with your mouse to the desired
position, or through adopting the running playback’s current position by clicking for start
and end respectively on the appropriate button (
Finally, using the ‘Speed’ option, you can change the playback speed during playback.
You may want to do this, for instance, to find certain passages faster or to be able to
listen to the recording more slowly for transcription purposes. This option is not
available on playback via the CR-100 USB unit itself, but only on playback via the
soundcard in a PC or laptop (for settings see the start of section 6).