CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
7. Special settings and software updates
Both the CR-100 USB and the CR-200 can - if required - be set with individual
parameters differing from the delivery status. To do so, the CallRecorder PC software is
needed to create the individual settings and transfer them to the device.
The way of doing is different for both product versions:
With the
CR-100 USB
the configuration is directly transmitted via USB cable to the
unit. This is only possible, when the unit is connected via USB to the PC: Usually,
you first read the data from the unit, change the parameters required, and then write
the data back to the unit. Additionally, you can save the settings as a file on the PC.
With the
CR-200 USB
the CallRecorder PC Software creates a configuration file
which will be saved to the USB flashdrive stick. From here, the CallRecorder will
read the configuration upon start-up. You can start with a new configuration file, or
you can open an existing one and do changes. Additionally, you can save the new
settings as a file on the PC.
(The internal clock of the CR-200 will be set in a similar way through a special
configuration file, if needed.)
In both CallRecorder versions the individual parameters will be stored permanently, in
the CR-200 also then, when the configuration file should be removed from the flashdrive
stick later. If the CR-200 finds a new configuration file on the flashdrive stick, it will
replace the former settings.