CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
pull out the flashdrive stick
during a recording
(status LED is red). By doing
so, the current recording will be damaged, and the flashdrive my have to be
formatted again before further use. Always stop a recording running before pulling
out the flashdrive stick.
The CR-200 automatically stops recording, when the minimum limit for free capacity
is reached (see section 7.2). If this happens, save the recordings to the PC/laptop
and format the flashdrive again for further use.
Recordings will be stored in an encoded format (".CRB") onto the flashdrive stick.
For playing back recordings and - if required - converting them to WAV-files, you
have to use the CallRecorder PC software (see chapter 6).
The “INFO.TXT” file on the USB flashdrive stick:
After each startup of the CR-200 and after each recording, a file named „INFO.TXT“ will
be written to the flashdrive stick. If the flashdrive is connected to your PC/laptop, you
can open the file, e.g. with the notepad editor, by simply double clicking it, and retrieve
information about your CallRecorder:
In the first line you see the product name. After that, the software versions of the unit
are displayed („PIC“ and „VNC“), which you should report to the support-hotline if asked
for. Finally, the free memory space left for recordings on this flashdrive is displayed in
minutes („Mem“)..
If you should use a flashdrive stick with a capacity of more than 4 GB, a maxi-
mum of 8.191 minutes of free space will be displayed anyway. As soon as the free
space goes below that, the value stated will be the actual number of minutes again.
If you should find another line “Time ???” in the file, the realtime clock of the unit is
currently invalid, and the clock has to be set by a configuration file (see section 7.2).