CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
With call indication enabled via TAPI, the call-detection and call-end-detection
via the CR-100 USB (audio control) will be ignored, because now the control of the
recording is done via the TAPI control.
Additionally, you can now display changes of the TAPI status in the dialog window of
the CR-100 USB by clicking ‘Display line state”.
As an option, you can also ‘Show contact data’, when a number has been recognised
by the TAPI interface and there is already an entry in the archive of the CR-100 USB
matching this number.
Moreover, by using the options “Adopt name from contact data” and “Adopt company
from contact data”, with new recordings the call details ‚name‘ and ‚company‘ can be
adopted automatically from existing entries in the archive matching the number of the
new call.
TAPI functionality is available for the CR-100 USB from PC-software version 3.0
and device’s system software version 2.3. See section 7.3 for updates.