CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
3.2.6 Operation of the USB flashdrive stick
The CR-200 records the phone calls - without a PC running online - directly to the USB
flashdrive plugged into the CallRecorder. Insert the Flashdrive delivered with the unit
into the socket “USB” on the rear panel of the device.
For the use of the USB flashdrive stick, please
the following:
For recordings, a memory capacity of approx. 500 KB is needed per minute. So, a
flashdrive with 1 GB will enable you to record more than 30 hours. All recordings will
be stored as encoded '.CRB'-files.
The USB flashdrive stick must be formatted FAT16 or FAT32. For fast boot, it is
recommended to use FAT16. But, for more than 500 recordings on the stick format-
ting FAT32 might be required.
For reliable recording, the flashdrive should be formatted first. By doing so, all data
on the flashdrive will be deleted. So you should make a copy of data needed , e.g.
the PC software and the documents, on your harddrive. You can also download the
latest version of these data from the website from the “Support“
area free of charge. if you should have deleted them by mistake.
After a number of recordings, the answer time of the flashdrive stick will increase, so
the start of recordings may be delayed and small dropouts may occur. If you should
notice this, please save all recordings made so far from the flashdrive to your
PC/laptop using the Callrecorder PC software. After that, format the USB flashdrive
stick again (all data will be deleted and lost, if not saved before).
You can also use your own USB flashdrive stick (up to some maximum capacity,
depending on the internal software – please ask the support, see chap. 8.3), but
please note, that BEYERTONE may not guarantee faultless operation in this case,
as some flashdrive sticks have answer times that are too high or the boot-up takes
too long. Anyhow, you should avoid unnecessary data on the stick. Do not only
delete other data, but format the flashdrive stick again (see above), after saving the
data to your harddrive.
Before inserting the flashdrive stick, switch off the CR-200. Switch it on again after
re-inserting the stick. If the CR-200 should not start up the flashdrive stick properly,
switch it off and - after some seconds - on again. If you want to deactivate the CR-
200 for a while, you should not switch off the unit completely, but use the standby
mode (see section 5.2), as this enables much faster recovery.