CR-200 / CR-100 USB Ver. 2-3 - Installation and User Guide
3. Import files
Under Path now choose the drive that represents the USB flashdrive stick, which is
inserted in your PC/laptop. Under Files you will see the list of recordings saved in
„.CRB“-format on the flashdrive. You may Select all recordings or only certain files from
the list. The filename is composed of one figure or letter A, B, C for the month, two
figures for the day, each two figures for the hour and the minute and one figure for the
10 seconds of the point of time the recording started.
By Options you can choose, if you want to replace files with identical names if they
already exist on the PC/laptop, and if the files should be deleted on the flashdrive stick
after the import is done. Please note, that formatting the USB flashdrive stick after
importing the files to the PC/laptop is essential for a reliable operation of the CR-200
(see section 3.2.6).
Under Audio Format you may select, if the imported files shall be saved again in an
encoded format on the PC, or if they shall be saved as "normal" wav-files. If you choose
„WAV“, you will have to enter the password with each file being imported, as the file will
be decoded while importing.
The password is stored in the CR-200 unit and can be changed by configuration
of the unit (see chapter 7.2) The default password upon delivery of the unit is „