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BCX Series Operating Manual
29. 1-8 INPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of inputs number 1-8
30. 9-16 INPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of inputs number 9-16
31. 17-20 INPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of inputs number 17-20
32. 1-8 OUTPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of outputs number 1-8
33. 9-16 OUTPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of outputs number 9-16
34. 17-24 OUTPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of outputs number 17-24
35. 25-32 OUTPUTS
- the position (1=ON, 0=OFF) of outputs number 25-32
NOTE: not all cabinets have all of the inputs or all of the outputs. This is dependent on the options purchased with
the cabinet.
Using input and output positions listed in items 29-35 can be quite useful in determining what the cabinet was doing
at the time of the data point. However, since Excel sees this data as a whole number, it will not display leading
zeros when it imports the data. To correct this, these eight columns must be reformatted. To reformat these
columns, perform the following steps:
a. Select columns AC, AD, (directions for AE below), AF, AG,
AH and AI by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the
top of these columns.
b. Next click on FORMAT, then CELLS, and a window will open.
c. Click on CUSTOM, and GENERAL will be displayed in the
Type window.
d. Overwrite the GENERAL setting with 8 zeros; “00000000” and
then click OK.
Repeat steps a-d replacing the columns selected with AE, and replace the GENERAL settings with only 4 zeros
After all changes are made click on Save and change the file type to EXCEL WORKBOOK.
The following two pages show the I/O key to use for deciphering the positions of the inputs and outputs on the data