Adjusting & Verifying Volume
For BCS purposes, adjustments to input boards are referred to as digital gain
adjustments, while similar adjustments to output boards are referred to as volume
adjustments. If your system has (optional) digital gain or volume control,
adjustments may be made at any time during normal operation.
General Rules for Audio
An output does not need to be routed to adjust the volume.
Audio adjustments can only be executed on a valid level that switches audio
signals. If an audio adjustment is attempted on a level that does not include
audio, an error code appears (see
Appendix A, System Error Codes
Volume adjustments made on one level affect all levels that switch audio,
e.g., changes made on an audio-only level will remain in effect if you then
switch the output on an audio-follow-video level and vice versa.
Specify multiple outputs by including a space between each output number.
Specify a range of outputs by inserting a colon (
) between the lowest and
highest output numbers.
Enter decibel levels as decimal numbers to the tenth place without the
decimal point. For example, +5 dB is entered as 50 and -60.5 dB is entered
as -605. (Interpret volume status results in the same way.)
When a muted output is un-muted, the output returns to its previously
un-muted volume. When a Volume command is sent to a muted output, the
output is un-muted and then the volume adjustment is applied.
The volume range of an output is determined by the audio board. For a
specific audio board’s volume range, see the
Boards & Specifications
section of this manual. If the requested volume change results in a decibel
level outside the range of the board, the system responds with “
” indicating
an invalid value was entered.
BCS Serial Control Protocol